Since 2012, Vortex Outdoor Center has exclusively offered Vortex Optics and quality outdoor gear in Costa Rica.
Vortex Outdoor Center Alajuela, Costa Rica
+506 8552-2762
Most Popular Binocular Products
A full inventory of outdoor gear, accessories, binoculars, spotting scopes, clothing and camping equipment. Conveniently Located by the Juan Santamaría International Airport in Alajuela.
Vortex Outdoor Center Alajuela, Costa Rica
+506 8552-2762
Vortex Outdoor Center
Easy to find in Alajuela, one kilometer from the airport, beside the Walmart.
Vortex Outdoor Center is the exclusive distributor for Vortex Optics and outdoor gear.
Respected by nature guides and outdoor enthusiasts across the Americas as the best quality and warrantee products available on the market.